Dear RV Miles Community,

On June 19th, 2024 my dear friend of 30 years was involved in a hit-and-run while out walking in her neighborhood. The collision left her with severe brain trauma and two days later, surrounded by those of us who love her so much, she was officially released from the body holding her to this earth.

Bec Pennington was only 44 years young. She leaves behind a husband and three children.

Our grief is deep. But so is our love.

Jason and I are committed to doing all we can here at RV Miles to support the Pennington family with their day-to-day burdens so that Jon and the kids can do the truly hard work – heal.

I would like to invite you to join us in building a foundation of support for the Pennington family. I have set up a donation page on that includes an option for financial donations. This sudden and tragic loss comes with plenty of tough and unexpected financial decisions and we would like to help ease those burdens.

Bec is one of my oldest friends. She was on stage with me in every high school musical and performing arts festival. dance class, dance recital, and more. We had some pretty epic adventures. Her husband, Jon, is also one of my oldest friends. They have been together for almost as long as we have all been friends.

When I think of the path that led me to theater which led me to Chicago, which led me to Jason, which led me to a life on the road, and eventually here to RV Miles, Bec is at the start of it all. She was a burst of every color inside and out. A rare gem with the ability to be brutally honest and kind all in one breath. She was there when you needed her, a champion for all people. She was a fiercely dedicated mother and partner. A dancer who moved through space with grace and beauty in a way that can’t be taught. It lived deep inside her and she gave of that talent so freely. I miss her so much.

Please consider donating today. Every amount helps.

With deepest gratitude,
