A decadent drink enjoyed by RVers of all ages, these six hot chocolate recipes are indulgent, fun, outrageous, and traditional. Grab a cup (or two) and don’t even worry about the calories.

Basic Hot Chocolate via Delish
Want to stay true to the form? Skip the boxed mix and make your own hot chocolate recipes with this simple, yet indulgent one from Delish. Whole milk is best and we definitely recommend splurging on a nice bar of chocolate.
Hot Chocolate Dippers
Hosting a party? Make a batch of basic crock pot hot chocolate and then serve up these creative and varied chocolate dippers and let your guests decide how they’d like to flavor their drink. There’s no limit to the possible combinations you could come up with. These would also go great on a coffee bar too.

S’Mores Hot Chocolate
The ultimate campground treat meets the ultimate chocolate drink in this recipe from the Minimalist Baker. The crushed graham cracker around the rim might be the best part.

Cheesecake Hot Chocolate
At first, you might think this sounds odd, but one sip of this recipe from Homemade in the Kitchen and you’ll know that cheesecake and hot chocolate were meant to be.

Butterbeer (Butterscotch) Hot Chocolate
Butterscotch sauce meets Hot Chocolate meets Harry Potter meets delicious in this recipe from Bakingdom. Your favorite Hogwarts students will love drinking a hot mug of Butterbeer while studying for their O.W.L.s

Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate
Peanut butter and chocolate go hand in hand so it is no surprise that a PB&C recipe ended up on the list. This one from Certified Pastry Aficionado is creamy, yummy, and ready in less than 10 minutes.