This week on the show, we’ve got news, news and more news, along with listener questions, and an interview about a new product designed to make driving your RV much safer.
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We kicked the show off with some upcoming events we’re attending: Fulltime Families Southwest Rally, where we’re excited to meet lots of traveling families and FMCA’s 101st International Convention, where we’ll be hosting a few seminars. Both events are in Tuscon, Arizona, and we hope to see you there!
We followed with a few news items, including Joshua Tree National Park’s record-breaking visitation in 2019, details of Ford’s returning Tremor off-road package, including a new integrated winch, and KOA’s campground of the year.
We then had a great interview with Augustin Leung, who is the Vice President of Advanced driver-assistance systems CUB Autoparts, who are the manufacturers of an aftermarket blind spot detection system for motorhomes and RVs. Find more about their product at
We finished the show up with some listener questions, and our Fresh Tank / Black Tank segment, where Jason mentioned these wine/liquor bottle protection bags that might be a nice way to ensure your expensive alcohol stays safe.
As we mentioned in the episode, we’re ending the “enter to win” portion of the brain teaser, and we’re going to begin focusing on other types of giveaways. But if you still want some RV Miles gear, find it here:

Keep loggin’ those RV Miles and we’ll see you next week!
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