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On this episode, we begin our three-week Yellowstone adventure with an overview of the park and the town of West Yellowstone. A listener asks about what temps to be concerned about water freezing, and so much more!
Check out this week’s America’s National Parks Podcast and See America Podcast. Click links below to listen!

West Yellowstone sites mentioned:
Where we camped:
Our Favorite Food Places:
Wild West Pizza Salon
Pete’s Rocky Mountain Pizza
Firehole BBQ
The Bookseller
Where We Shopped:
Yellowstone Trading Post
The Bookseller
Christmas in Montana
Firehole Trading
After a West Yellowstone discussion, we gave an overview of Yellowstone National Park – it’s a big park. Remember it’s about quality and not quantity!
Keep loggin’ those RV Miles and we’ll see you on the next episode.
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